Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Points to Churn from the Murli of September 08, 2013 (Revised 30-04-1977)

Swamaan / Sankalp / Slogan: Swaroop Bano
September 08, 2013
हम दिल तख्त नशीन आत्माएँ, कम्बाइन्ड रूप की स्मृति से हाईएस्ट अथॉरिटी की स्थिति में स्थित रहकर, एकाग्रता की शक्ति से दिल को एक मन्दिर बनानेवाले, सच्चे योगी हैं...
By stabilizing in stage of the highest authority with the awareness of our combined form, we the souls, the true yogis sitting on the heart-throne, make our heart a temple with the power of concentration...
Hum dil takht nasheen atmaayen, kambaaind roop ki smriti se haaiest authority ki sthiti men rahkar, ekaagrta ki shakti se se dil ko ek mandir banaanewale, sachche yogi hain...
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!

Points to Churn from the Murli of September 08, 2013
(Revised 30-04-1977)

Praise of Baba:

The Ocean of Knowledge, the Incorporeal Purifier, the Supreme Father, and the Supreme Soul Shiv Baba is.... My Baba...Sweet Baba...Lovely Baba...Kind-hearted Baba...Compassionate Baba...the True Father...the True Teacher...the Unlimited Father... the Almighty Authority...the Truth, the Living Being, the Blissful One and the Seed... the Bestower of Salvation... Knowledge-full...

The first combined form is that of the soul and the body which plays an eternal part in the eternal world cycle. The second combined form is the ever-combined form of the Brahmins of the most elevated confluence age, that is, of the children with the Father. The third combined form is also shown in the memorial of the four-armed image. When you always continue to move along having imbibed the knowledge of the combined form, you will constantly experience yourself to be the highest authority.
First of all, always keep in your awareness the combined form of the body and the soul. The body is the creation and the soul is the creator; there is the combined form of creator and creation. You will then automatically maintain the awareness of being a master. The awareness of being a master means you will have the feeling of being the highest authority.
You will experience yourself to be a master almighty authority, because of the awareness of the companionship of the Father, the Almighty Authority being with you. Therefore, when you stabilise in the combined form, you become victorious over Maya which means that you constantly experience yourself to be the highest authority. The adorned form is the sign of being victorious over Maya.
The company of Brahmins is the most elevated company which enables you to attain all attainments. There are both full caste and half-caste Brahmins. Half-caste means warriors. If you keep the company of half-caste Brahmins, then, instead of being close to the true Companion, you automatically become distant from Him. Fulfill the responsibility of love for your Companion and observe the codes of conduct of such company. This is stabilising yourself in the stage of the highest authority through having the awareness of your combined form.
The Father sees the maharathi children as bestowers, not as those who take, but those who bestow, the same as the Father. To be a maharathi means to be an equal companion. The Father would keep such a companion with Him or in front of Him in all tasks.
The fruit of karma yoga is easy yoga and happiness. Do not think a lot. By thinking too much you lose your power to decide. A paper comes for you to become strong, not to be afraid. The papers enable you to strengthen your foundation. The foundation is hammered, but that is not hammering but strengthening the foundation.
No matter how much external upheaval there may be, if you are told to stop in a second, you should be able to merge whatever expansion there is, merge your nature, sanskars, thoughts and relationships in a second. This is known as having the power to merge.
While living in your household, make the atmosphere of your home such that anyone who comes there should experience it to not an ordinary home but a temple. The place should do service and the atmosphere should also serve. The fragrance of purity spreading everywhere from your home will attract everyone.
शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते !!!
विचार सागर मंथन: September 08, 2013 (Revised 30-04-1977)
बाबा की महिमा:

ज्ञानकेसागरपतितपावननिराकारपरमपितापरमात्माशिवबाबाहैं...मेरा बाबा... मीठा बाबा...प्यारा बाबा... दयालु बाबा...कृपालु बाबा... सत बाप...सत टीचर...सत गुरु... बेहद का बाप... सर्वशक्तिमान...सत चित आनंद स्वरूप...बीजरूप...सदगति दाता... नॉलेजफुल...

आत्मा और शरीर यह कम्बाइन्ड स्वरुपहै जो अनादि सृष्टिचक्र मेंअनादि पार्टबजाते रहतेहैं l दुसरा इस पुरुषोत्तम संगमयुग पर ब्राह्मण आत्माएं अर्थात् बच्चों और बाप का सदा साथकम्बाइन्ड रूपहै l तीसरा, यादगाररूप मेंभी चतुर्भुज रूप है l ऐसे सदैवकम्बाइन्ड रूपकी नॉलेजको धारणकरते हुएसदा हाईएस्ट अथॉरिटी अपनेको अनुभवकरेंगे |
पहले अपनेशरीर और आत्मा के कम्बाइन्ड रूपको सदास्मृति मेंरखो l शरीर रचनाहै, आत्मारचता है l तो स्वतःही मालिकपन की स्मृति मेंरहेंगे अर्थात् हाईएस्ट अथॉरिटी में रहेंगे l
बाप के साथ सर्वशक्तिमान के संग वा स्मृति से मास्टर सर्वशक्तिमान अनुभवकरते l किसी भी प्रकार के माया के विघ्नों को कम्बाइन्ड रूपकी स्मृतिसे सामनाकरने की अथॉरिटी ऑटोमेटिकली अनुभव करतेहैं l अलंकारी स्वरुप मायाजीत की निशानीहै l
ब्राह्मणों की कम्पनी सबसेश्रेष्ठ कम्पनीसर्व प्राप्ति कराने वालीहै l ब्राह्मणों मेंफुल कास्टऔर हाफकास्ट ब्राह्मण हैं l हाफ कास्टअर्थात् क्षत्रियअगर हाफकास्ट ब्राह्मणों की कम्पनीकर लेतेहैं तो सच्चे साथीसे स्वतःसमीप के बजाए दूरहो जातेहैं l कम्पैनियन से प्रीति की रीति निभाओऔर कम्पनीमें मर्यादाएं निभाओ l यह है कम्बाइन्ड रूप की स्मृति मेंहाईएस्ट अथॉरिटी की स्थितिमें रहना l
महारथियों को बाप सदैवआदि से लेकर भाईकीनज़र से देखते हैं | महारथीयों लेने वालेलेकिन बापसमान देनेवाले हैं l हर कार्यमें बापसाथ रखतेवा और ही आगेरखते हैं l
कर्मयोग का फल है सहजयोग और बेहद की अविनाशी ख़ुशीl ज्यादा सोचनानहीं, सोचनेसे निर्णयशक्ति कम हो जातीहै l पेपर आनामाना परिपक्व होना l घबराना नहीं l पेपर्स फाउन्डेशन को पक्काकरते l फाउन्डेशन को कूटते हैंवह कूटनानहीं लेकिनमजबूत करनाहै l
कितनी भी बाहर की हलचल हो लेकिन एक सेकेण्ड मेंस्टॉप, कितनाभी विस्तार हो स्वभाव,संस्कार, सम्बन्ध सब एक सेकेण्ड मेंसमेट लेंयह है समेटने की शक्ति l
प्रवृत्ति मेंरहते घर के वायुमण्डल को अलौकिकबनाओ तो कोई भी अनुभवकरे कि यह साधारणघर नहींलेकिन मन्दिरहै l स्थान भी सेवा करे,वायुमण्डल भी सेवा करे l पवित्रता की खुशबू स्वतःचारों ओर फैलेगी और सबको आकर्षित करेगी l
In the daily murlis, Bapdada gives vardaan to the entire Brahmin family spread all over the world. Baba also remarked in the murli, dated 7-1-2012 that serviceable children will make cartoons after listening to the murli. Visualization makes remembrance of the blessing throughout the day easier and thus makes it more fruitful.
The basis for the stage of the highest authority is the awareness of your combined form.
Blessing: May you be an image that attracts and makes your home into a temple by transforming the lokik into alokik.*
While living in your household, make the atmosphere of your home such that it isn’t lokik. Anyone who comes there should experience it to be alokik, not lokik, that it is not an ordinary home but a temple. This is the practical form of the service of those who live in a pure household. The place should do service and the atmosphere should also serve. Just as the atmosphere of a temple attracts everyone, in the same Way, there should automatically be the fragrance of purity spreading everywhere from your home which will attract everyone.
Slogan:Make your mind and intellect concentrated with determination and burn all weaknesses. Only then would you be called a true yogi.
(* Lokik - worldly, ordinary, of this World, mundane. Alokik - spiritual, subtle, out of this World, unique )
हाईएस्ट अथॉरिटी की स्थिति का आधारकम्बाइन्ड रूप की स्मृति
वरदान:- लौकिक को अलौकिक में परिवर्तन कर घर को मन्दिर बनाने वाले आकर्षणमूर्त भव
प्रवृत्ति में रहते घर के वायुमण्डल को ऐसा बनाओ जिसमे कोई भी लौकिकता हो l कोई भी आये तो अनुभव करे कि यह अलौकिक हैं,लौकिक नहींl यह साधारण घर नहीं लेकिन मन्दिर है l यह है पवित्र प्रवृत्ति वालों की सेवा का प्रत्यक्ष स्वरुप l स्थान भी सेवा करे,वायुमण्डल भी सेवा करे l जैसे मन्दिर का वायुमण्डल सबको आकर्षित करता है ऐसे आपके घर से पवित्रता की खुशबू आये तो वह खुशबू स्वतः चारों ओर फैलेगी और सबको आकर्षित करेगी l
स्लोगन:- मन-बुद्धि कोदृढ़ता सेएकाग्र काकमजोरियों कोभस्म करदो-तबकहेंगे सच्चेयोगी l

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