Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Points to Churn: October 11, 2013

Happy Navratri !!! Day 7
Navratri is divided into sets of three days to adore three different aspects of the supreme goddess or goddesses.
First three days: The goddess is separated a spiritual force called Durga also known as Kali in order to destroy all our evil and grant boons.

Second three days: The Mother is adored as a giver of spiritual wealth, Lakshmi, who is considered to have the power of bestowing on her devotees inexhaustible wealth, as she is the goddess of wealth.

Final three days: The final set of three days is spent in worshiping the goddess of wisdom, Saraswati. In order to have all-round success in life, believers seek the blessings of all three aspects of the divine femininity, hence the nine nights of worship.

Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn: October 11, 2013
Praise of the Father: The Supreme Father the Supreme Soul...The Father from beyond this world...the God Father...the Incorporeal Father...the unlimited Father...the Creator..The Highest-on-high...the Ocean of Knowledge...constantly Shiva...Rudra...the Lord of Nectar...Salutation to Shiva...the Death of all deaths...the Liberator...the Remover of Sorrow and the Bestower of Happiness...
Knowledge: The Supreme Father the Supreme Soul is the Father of all souls.Our soul is also incorporeal.We became corporeal after coming here. "I am a soul"- I shed bodies and take others. It is said: A great soul, a charitable soul. The body is perishable whereas the soul is imperishable.You have two fathers: one is a perishable father who gives birth to a perishable body. The other is the imperishable Father of imperishable souls.
Yoga: The Father's shrimat is: Belong to the one Father and none other. Simply remember Me and don't perform any sinful actions and you will be liberated from being punished in the jail of a womb. Have the faith that you are souls and that those are your bodies. Remember Me, do not perform any sinful actions and become conquerors of attachment.
God speaks: Manmanabhav! Remember Me and your sins will be absolved and you will receive wings with which to fly. Remember the Father for as long as you live and claim your right to an inheritance. Don't be concerned about anything.
Dharna: It is pure ones who are praised. Become conquerors of attachment. Transform the stone intellect to a divine intellect. Make effort to attain your kingdom or attain your fortune of the kingdom of Bharat once again. Become the conquerors of Maya, and thus the conquerors of the world. Instead of taking the crooked path of a question mark, put a full stop of benefit and be benevolent.
You have promised: I will stay with You, I will live with You and return with You..." With the awareness of this promise, remain constantly combined, that is, stay with the Father, and become easy yogis, constant yogis, constantly easy yogis and become angelic forms who go into the flying stage.
Service: Do the service of making Bharat into heaven by using your body, mind and wealth according to shrimat and show everyone the way to be liberated from Ravan. You are spiritual social workers. Your names are remembered as Anapurna (Goddess of food), Durga, Kali etc.
Points of Self Respect: Masters of the world... Brahmakumar and hundred times fortunate...actors...prices and princesses...salutations to the mothers...spiritual social workers...raj Rishis...easy yogis...constant yogis...angels...benefactors...
विचारसागरमंथन:October 11, 2013
बाबा की महिमा : परमपिता परमात्मा... पारलौकिक फादर... गॉड फादर...निराकार... बेहद का बाप... रचयिता... ऊँच ते उचं... ज्ञान सागर... सदैव शिव... रुद्र... सोमनाथ... शिवाए नमः... कालों का काल... लिबेरटर... दुःख हर्ता, सुख कर्ता...
ज्ञान : परमपिता परमात्मा है पारलौकिक फादर,आत्माओं का बाप | हमारी आत्माभी निराकार है | यहाँ आकर साकार बनी है | अहम् आत्माएक शरीर छोड़ दूसरा लेती हूँ| महान् आत्मा,पुण्य आत्माकहते हैं | शरीर विनाशी है, आत्मा अविनाशी है | तुमको दो बाप हैंएक तो है विनाशी  शरीरी को जन्म देनेवाला विनाशी बाप, दूसरा है अविनाशी आत्माओं का अविनाशी बाप|
योग : बाप की श्रीमतहैबच्चे, एक बापदूसरा कोई, तुमसिर्फ मुझेयाद करोऔर कोईभी पापकर्म करो तो गर्भजेल की सजाओं से छूट जायेंगे | निश्चय करोकि हम आत्मा हैं,यह हमाराशरीर है | अब मुझेयाद करो,कोई भी पाप नहींकरो, नष्टोमोहा बनो | तुम्हारी है यह रूहानीयात्रा |
भगवानुवाचमनमनाभव | मुझ अपनेबाप को याद करोतो विकर्मविनाश होंगेऔर उड़नेके पंखमिल जायेंगे |
जीते जी बापको यादकर वर्सेका अधिकारलेना है,किसी भी बात की परवाह नहींकरनी है |
धारणा : पावन की ही वन्दना की जाती है | नष्टोमोहा बनो |पत्थरबुद्धि से पारसबुद्धि बनना है | राजाई प्राप्त करने वा भारत का फिर से राज्य-भाग्यपाने लिएपुरुषार्थ कर ना है | मायाजीत-जगतजीतबनना है | क्वेश्चन मार्कका टेढ़ारास्ता लेनेके बजाएकल्याण की बिन्दी लगाकर कल्याणकारी बनना है |
आप का वायदा है कि साथ रहेंगे, साथ जियेंगे, साथ चलेंगे......इस वायदे के स्मृति में रख बाप और आप कम्बाइन्ड रूप में रहो तो इस स्वरूप से साथ रहने वाले सहजयोगी, निरन्तर योगी, सदा सहयोगी, उड़ती कला में जाने वाले फरिश्ते स्वरूप बन जाएँगे |
सेवा : श्रीमत पर अपने तन-मन-धन से भारतको स्वर्गबनाने की सेवा करनीहै और सबको रावणसे लिबरेटहोने की युक्ति बतानीहै | आप रूहानी सोशलवर्कर हैं | तुम्हारे ही नाम गायेहुए हैंअन्नपूर्णा, दुर्गा,काली आदि-आदि |
स्वमान : स्वर्ग के मालिक... ब्रह्मकुमार-कुमारियां... सौभाग्यशाली... एक्टर... प्रिन्स-प्रिन्सेज़... वन्दे मातरम्... रूहानी सोशलवर्कर... राजऋषि... सहजयोगी... निरन्तर योगी......फरिश्ते... कल्याणकारी...

Essence: Sweet children, have the faith that you are souls and that those are your bodies. There is no question of visions in this. Even if people were to have a vision of a soul, they wouldn't be able to understand it.
Question: By following which shrimat of the Father will you be liberated from being punished in the jail of a womb?
Answer: The Father's shrimat is: Children, become conquerors of attachment. Belong to the one Fatherand none other. Simply remember Me and don't perform any sinful actions and you will be liberated from being punished in the jail of a womb. Here, you have been jailbirds for birth after birth. The Father has now come to liberate you from that punishment. There is no jail of the womb in the golden age.
Essence for dharna:
1. Remember the Father for as long as you live and claim your right to an inheritance. Don't be concerned about anything.
2. Do the service of making Bharat into heaven by using your body, mind and wealth according to shrimat and show everyone the way to be liberated from Ravan.
Blessing: May you be an easy yogi who remains combined by remaining aware of the promise: "I will stay with You, I will live with You...".
You children have promised: I will stay with You, I will live with You and return with You..." With the awareness of this promise, remain combined with the Father for this form is said to be the easy yogi form. You are not those who have to make effort to have yoga, but are constantly combined, that is, you stay with the Father. Only those who remain together in this way are constant yogis, constantly easy yogis and become angelic forms who go into the flying stage.
Slogan: Instead of taking the crooked path of a question mark, put a full stop of benefit and be benevolent.
सार:- मीठे बच्चेनिश्चय करो कि हम आत्मा हैं,यह हमारा शरीर है,इसमें साक्षात्कार की कोई बात नहीं,आत्मा का साक्षात्कार भी हो तो समझ नहीं सकेंगे
प्रश्न:- बाप की किस श्रीमत पर चलने से गर्भजेल की सजाओं से छूट सकते हैं?
उत्तर:- बाप की श्रीमत हैबच्चे नष्टोमोहा बनो,एक बाप दूसरा कोई,तुम सिर्फ मुझे याद करो और कोई भी पाप कर्म करो तो गर्भजेल की सजाओं से छूट जायेंगे | यहाँ तुम जन्म-जन्मान्तर जेल बर्ड बनते आये,अब बाप आये हैं उन सजाओं से बचाने | सतयुग में गर्भ जेल होता नहीं |
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
1) जीते जी बाप को याद कर वर्से का अधिकार लेना है, किसी भी बात की परवाह नहीं करनी है |
2) श्रीमत पर अपने तन-मन-धन से भारत को स्वर्ग बनाने की सेवा करनी है और सबको रावण से लिबरेट होने की युक्ति बतानी है |
वरदान:-साथ रहेंगे,साथ जियेंगे......इस वायदे की स्मृति द्वारा कम्बाइन्ड रहने वाले
सहजयोगी भव
आप बच्चों का वायदा है कि साथ रहेंगे, साथ जियेंगे, साथ चलेंगे......इस वायदे के स्मृति में रख बाप और आप कम्बाइन्ड रूप में रहो तो इस स्वरूप को ही सहजयोगी कहा जाता है | योग लगाने वाले नहीं लेकिन सदा कम्बाइन्ड अर्थात् साथ रहने वाले | ऐसे साथ रहने वाले ही निरन्तर योगी,सदा सहयोगी,उड़ती कला में जाने वाले फरिश्ते स्वरूप बनते हैं |
स्लोगन:- क्वेश्चन मार्क का टेढ़ा रास्ता लेने के बजाए कल्याण की बिन्दी लगाना ही कल्याणकारी बनना है |

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