Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 19, 2017: The Value of Positive Focus

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 19, 2017: The Value of Positive Focus

The Value of Positive Focus
To change the focus from negative to positive is to create hope. Our normal conversations and interactions are full of negativity, whether we are aware of this or not. So without our conscious knowledge, we develop a negative approach to life. It is important for me to be aware when my conversations with others becomes negative. I need to make a conscious change to start being more positive, and appreciate what life gives me. So much good in my life goes unnoticed. When I focus in the positive it creates an environment of enthusiasm for the future that affects everyone around me.

Overcoming Possessiveness And Complexes In Close Relationships (Part 2)
In yesterday's message, we talked about ailments like possessiveness and complexes existing in our family relationships today. Today we explain how meditation can cure these ailments with much ease. As I practice meditation, which is nothing but a practical exercise of experiencing soul consciousness, I carry that experience into my relationships. While interacting with each one of my closest of relations, I start becoming aware of myself as an eternal soul, an actor on the unlimited stage of the world, playing my act through the physical body costume and I see each one with the same consciousness. Also the realization grows that the role I am playing with others now is only one small part of the whole painting of life. I don't know where I was, in which part of the painting and with whom, before I took this birth, nor where I will be afterwards. The same is true for those with whom I am close. Depending on the type of relationship, I do have a particular responsibility towards each one of them whilst we are playing our parts together, but this only lasts a short time within this eternal timeline e.g. as father and child, each has a particular role today, but who knows about yesterday or tomorrow? 

In meditation, I stabilize in the consciousness that I am an eternal soul, and that all human beings are souls, members of a huge spiritual family. Roles will change, but as souls, we only have an unlimited spiritual relation, we are brothers, but have no other permanent physical relation. Becoming aware of this spiritual wisdom  protects me against limited feelings of my mother, my husband, my sister and so on, where such feelings cause possessiveness and a desire to control, rather than pure spiritual love filled with equality. All problems are reduced in relationships, when the personality trait inside me that tries to control others, or is controlled by others, is removed. Both of these are negative behaviors, caused due to lack of inner security, not true responsibility or concern. By knowing myself as a soul, my self-respect returns and by seeing others in the same light, my respect for others returns. From this strong soul-conscious spectator point, there is an inner detachment (but not a lack of love) inside me and I'll no longer feel a need to manipulate others or be manipulated by the other, but instead I will radiate pure feelings of genuine love, care and respect into my relationships. This causes the same energy to come back to me from my relationships.

Inner Strength

The expression will-power is often used to refer to our ability to put into practice the ideas we know to be for our well-being and to resist actions which are harmful. This is directly related to the soul's intellectual strength. 
When we speak of weakness or strength in the soul we are referring to the intellect. In the case of a weak soul (one with lower will-power) it is almost as if the intellect plays no part in determining which thoughts arise in the mind, but they come as if pushed by the sanskaras (mainly in the form of habits) or are triggered by the atmosphere around or the moods of others. On the contrary, a powerful soul (one with higher will-power) enjoys the experience of its own choice regardless of external stimuli (influence).

Rajyoga meditation develops the intellect to such an extent that this degree of control is possible. A practitioner of Rajyoga meditation can be in the midst of a situation of intense disturbance, yet remain so unshakably calm that the inner strength becomes a shelter and inspiration to others lacking in that strength. The weak soul is like a leaf at the mercy of the storm, the strong one, a rock in the face of a rough sea.

Message for the day

To donate virtues is the greatest donation. 

Expression: To donate virtues means to express virtues through one's own words and actions. There is some or the other value revealed through all words and actions. The ones who constantly have the aim of donating virtues naturally bring benefit to all they come into contact with. No one would go away empty handed from such people.

Expression: When I constantly have the aim of using my virtues I have the satisfaction of giving continuously under all circumstances. I also find my own treasures of virtues increasing and I find myself richer and better than what I was. Thus I experience constant progress in my life.

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 18, 2017: A Little Courage and Some Letting Go

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 18, 2017: A Little Courage and Some Letting Go

Illusion : Can you locate 16 faces in this picture?
A Little Courage and Some Letting Go
It takes honesty as well as courage to give ourselves a good shake and see things for what they are, not what we imagine them to be. To see is far better than not to see. Without honest vision we will keep being deceived by illusion and trapped by sorrow and game playing. It is time to set ourselves free – it just takes a little courage and some letting go.

Overcoming Possessiveness And Complexes In Close Relationships (Part 1)

We are all aware and we all experience also that close knit family relationships are a constant source of happiness and love. But these relationships, many a times, also possess the capacity of bringing along with this love and joy, many different negative shades of possessiveness and domination, and complexes and dependencies. These are widespread ailments existing in our family relationships today, but which can be cured. Meditation is a very positive healing process which can cure the causes of these ailments, which exist inside the human souls. Once the causes are cured through meditation, relationships become extremely healthy, which provide the self from others and from the self to others, only and only positivity energy, in the form of positive and empowering thoughts, feelings, words and actions.
A common sign of these diseases is lack of respect for people close to us. As a result of an un-respectful consciousness, we sometimes behave with our nearest and dearest ones, like maybe our spouse or children or siblings (brothers or sisters) or parents, in such an offensive manner which we normally never and would not ever even think of showing towards people with whom we are not very close. It's not just a question of mannerisms, but of inner respect for the other. So often in families, a particular fixed order in relationships, positions of higher and lower, positions of senior and junior, become established, leading to feelings of superiority and inferiority, the effects of which start penetrating  in the relationships e.g. the mother-in-law is very dominating and takes it for granted that she will be listened to by the son and daughter-in-law. Or an older brother or sister orders around a younger sibling, not giving him/her enough space in which to speak his or her own mind and express himself/herself, leading to an inferiority complex in the younger sibling. Or a wife is extremely possessive of the husband, not giving him enough personal freedom. Once established, these behaviors become permanent sanskaras and tend to be carried with us through life, so that even when we have left the original family relationships and circumstances in which these behaviors existed, we bring the same personality traits into our new  relationships and circumstances.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

Feel Abundant

When times are tough it's easy to feel a sense of lacking, isn't it?  But the feeling of lacking creates unnecessary anxiety.

Instead, consciously choose to feel abundant.  Feeling abundant not only relieves your anxiety but also empowers you to be more resourceful and proactive in how you get through the tough times.

Message for the day

There is victory for the person who opposes the weaknesses instead of the person. 

Expression: Instead of trying to win over a person who displays any negative qualities, one needs to oppose the negativity itself. The one who knows the art of doing this will never do anything to encourage the weakness in the other person but will provide all help to finish it fully.

Expression: Since I am able to look at the weakness only and am trying to finish it, I will be free from negative feelings of dislike and hatred. There would be a genuine feeling of love, which in turn provides the right environment for the other person's growth. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 17, 2017: True Winning Is Accepting Not Resisting

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 17, 2017: True Winning Is Accepting Not Resisting

True Winning Is Accepting Not Resisting
If you ever find yourself defending a position, explaining why, or justifying anything, it means you have been defeated. It means you have not been able to accept the others point of view, or the fact that you may be wrong. Fear has conquered your mind and your heart. Your defenses are up and you are running scared. It's not that the other person has conquered you, it's the self-created fear that is in control. Until you can accept the other (you don't have to agree) and you are not threatened by the other, your victories will be delayed. It's a funny old world when true winning is accepting not resisting, when victory is found in the wisdom to stop fighting and to begin engaging.

Taking Responsibility, Overcoming Guilt (Part 3)

There is a difference between when we have established our own code of values or beliefs in life, and when we feel obliged (forced) to obey an imposed code of beliefs. It is important for us to accept on an inner level the code by which we think we should be guided and act. When we act out of obligation (compulsion), by following a code of beliefs or behaviors that we feel have been imposed but aren't accepted as our own, we should ask ourselves why we act out of obligation (compulsion), basing ourselves on a code we have not accepted. Are we perhaps afraid that, if we don't do it, we will feel guilty?

When we violate the codes of belonging to a group, family, social class or community, generally we feel guilty. If this guilt leads us to question ourselves about what is right for our conscience, we progress in our personal growth and improve our clarity. It is necessary to respect ourselves, being clear about what the beliefs are on which we base our life, think, feel and evaluate. This will help us to avoid the gap between what we should and what we want to do. Until the should and the want are joined, we leave an open space for guilt.

When we act according to how we feel we should, we will feel guilt for not doing what we want. While we act according to what we want, we will feel guilt for not doing what we should. When guilt warns us that there is something to check and correct within us and we are willing to see it, have a dialogue with the self and clarify, we are on the right path.  Sometimes guilt acts as an excuse for us to apologize without really taking on the responsibility for what happened; we pass on the responsibility to the established norms, norms that in this case we haven't accepted as our own. In any case, the solution to guilt is to take on self-responsibility.


The gap between what you say and what you do, between what you promise and what you deliver is like a drain in the road.

The drain is where water escapes, just as your power will seep away if there is a difference between your words and your actions. 

Ask yourself every day, were your thoughts, words and actions aligned?

Ask someone else what they saw in you too. 

Feedback is the food of all positive change.

Message for the day

Faith is the key to the best use of one's fortune. 

Expression: For the one who has faith, in the self and in things, there is only positivity. Under all circumstances, there are only opportunities and treasures seen. Each moment is an inner urge to discover these hidden treasures and make the best use of them. So, the one who has faith, draws out the best from each and every situation. 

Expression: When I am able to move forward with faith, I am encouraged to give my best under all circumstances and am able to enjoy the best fruit of the effort that I put in. Faith gives me the courage to go on even during difficult times and so I have the satisfaction of bringing about constant change and progress in my life. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 16, 2017: Good Feelings

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 16, 2017: Good Feelings

Good Feelings
Good feelings for others are like ointments that heal wounds and re-establish friendships and relationships. Good feelings are generated in the mind, are transmitted through your attitude and are reflected in your eyes and smile. Smiling opens the heart and a glance can make miracles happen.

Taking Responsibility, Overcoming Guilt (Part 2)

If there are people or situations that lead you to fall over the same stone i.e. they lead you to make the same mistake, which was committed earlier, again, perhaps you will have to avoid them for a few days or a time, until you have strengthened yourself and have the inner security that they will not influence you. This is not running away; it is wise knowing your weaknesses and knowing that to get into similar situations with the same people is only to repeat the same errors and to worsen your wellbeing and that of the other. Trust in yourself. You can overcome these mistakes and stop making them. It is a question of loving yourself and living. Out of love, you stop hurting yourself and hurting the other.

Crying over past mistakes, you don't mend anything. Open yourself to forgiveness. Raise the level of your thoughts so that they don't keep you in a state of sadness and loss of hope. Don't allow your inner judge to sentence (punish) you each time that you act, since that way you won't feel free. Your judge that you carry within makes your life bitter; however, it is you that gives this judge the capacity to exist. If the inner judge is in harmony with our conscience, it is good, because it wants to protect us. On creating guilt it warns us that we have broken a rule of our code of beliefs, values or behaviors. It alerts us to the fact that we are acting against something important of ourselves. At those moments it helps us to observe and question what is real, true, important and even sacred in our life and for us.
(To be continued tomorrow …)

There are no justified resentments.

To resent someone is to fall under the illusion that they are the cause of our suffering. 
No one can die from a snake bite. It's the poison that kills them. You may receive the poison of another’s words, or even just in a glance, but you don’t have to absorb it or allow it free passage through the veins of your consciousness. 
The consequence of not absorbing the poison of others is you never experience enmity towards others. And people notice when you have absolutely no enmity. It draws them close, it empowers them, it builds trust, it enables harmony to break out! It is only because the lion has no thought of killing the lamb that the lamb feels able to come so close.

- relax7

Message for the day

To recognize one's own uniqueness is to respect oneself. 

Expression: To have respect for oneself based on other people's opinion or situational achievements is to have respect temporarily. True respect for the self is based on the recognition of the fact that every individual is unique with its own set of unique capabilities. This understanding enables one to see one's own uniqueness without being influenced or without comparing with others. 

Expression: When I know to recognize and appreciate my own uniqueness and respect myself on this basis, I am able to be free from ego or a feeling of inferiority. I am also able to recognize naturally the uniqueness of the other person and respect him for it. Thus I am able to win the love and respect of others too. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 15, 2017: Good Leadership

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 15, 2017: Good Leadership

 Artist: Edward Robert Hughes  (5 November 1851 – 23 April 1914)
Good Leadership
 Good leadership is based on skills which are incognito, like pure feelings, faith and trust. These keep both your frame of mind and the task moving in the right direction. It is human to err, but your high hopes for someone can actually eliminate errors. Doubting people exactly has the opposite effect. Believing in someone, extending feelings of trust, never telling people what to do but stepping aside and watching, with faith; this is what enables a task to get done in the right way. Spiritual Skills like these are cultivated by avoiding complacency, learning to be sensitive and staying alert. Keep an eye on your own spiritual health, don’t look to others for whatever is lacking, look within, see what remains to be done and do it. Never allow those with a strong personality to tell you what to do especially when you feel something else to be right. This creates depression and you can’t afford to be disheartened. Take care of yourself with understanding and love,  making sure that you never compromise your own spiritual growth.

Taking Responsibility, Overcoming Guilt (Part 1)

When you free yourself of guilt, you live in peace within. You take on responsibility and stop sentencing (punishing) yourself internally with feelings of guilt. Taking on responsibility is constructive; it allows all your potential to remain awake and flow. You feel free and unburdened. When you get it wrong, you can find different methods to relieve yourself of the burden that it might imply. For example, being sorry for or feeling sad for something that you have done means that you are aware that you have acted against your own wellbeing or that of another. Realizing it is good; it is the base for any positive change. The important thing is not to sentence (punish) yourself. Learn the lesson. Say sorry, if it is the right thing. Put it right.

Remember that yesterday has already passed. The past cannot be changed. You can't swallow the words that you said, since you already said them. You can't repeat the scene from yesterday in a different way because it already happened and stayed recorded on the film of this world drama. Therefore, don't repeat the words or the scene in your mind over and over again; doing that, you keep alive something that is dead, since yesterday already stayed behind. Learn from the error and commit yourself to you and to your life, promising to yourself that you will not fall over the same stone again. You will think about it before speaking or acting.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

When each one is working towards a common task, cooperation becomes easy. 

To get others' cooperation you need to share the task and the information regarding the task with others. When you communicate your motives using easy and simple language, everyone can understand and feel a part of the whole and they would naturally contribute their best. Any new task that you take up make sure you inform all the details to everyone related to the task. Even the minutest details when communicated to others, helps in creating a priority in them to give their best to the task.

Message for the day

True victory lies in inspiring courage in others too.
Expression: The one who is victorious enables others to be victorious too. Such a person will never make the other person seem any less. He will never allow the other person to feel defeated because the one who is victorious is a bestower. He has the ability to give courage to others and fill with hope to achieve something better. 

Experience: When I have the feeling of being victorious, I would naturally want others too to experience the same. I would look for ways to give courage and support to the ones who are losing. This will never let me lose hope in myself or in others and will also win the trust and good wishes of others. So there is a constant experience of being victorious. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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